Recent Episodes

May 10, 2023

#13: The Great Games

"He paused. 'You paying attention?' 'Uh, yes, sir! Yes, yes, I am,' I said quickly. I had been staring at the Star. 'I’m kidding, Ty. I thought your eyes might pop out of your head,' He chuckled, 'I had the same look the first time I came here. It’s a special place.' He looked out wistfully over …
March 22, 2023

#12: The Free Trade Zone — Part Two

"And with that, the guards stepped aside and let me pass. The suns were high enough now to cast a large shadow under the gateway, and I was temporarily blinded by darkness before emerging on the other side. I was not at all prepared for what I saw. My mule whinnied and side stepped as we entered …
Feb. 16, 2023

#11: The Free Trade Zone

The FTZ. Oh, the FTZ, The FTZ. It rolls off the tongue with a touch of hope, aspiration, and trepidation. The Free Trade Zone is where all things mix. It is here, in the center of the realm, that races mingle, merchants trade, musicians entertain, and fighters vie for the championship belt. To de…
Jan. 18, 2023

#10: The Oracles of the Edge

“To be seen by source, you must first learn to see. To learn to see, you must first learn to notice.” — The Decree of Dagrún, Scroll Three “True power has one wellspring: true names.” — The Decree of Ǫlrún, Scroll One There are no easy paths to the Oracles of the Edge. That is by design. On t…
Jan. 5, 2023

#9: House Namorha

“Pleasures delayed are pleasures unmade.” — Namorhan line from the song “The 9 Pleasures of the 7 Seas” “Man is violence and violence is man. Therefore, the key question is ‘How can we be the best stewards of violence instead of its worst victims?’” — Fleet Admiral Gossamer of House Namorha The…
Dec. 30, 2022

#8: House Kaimur

“Be the vessel that awaits the sacred. Empty yourself so that you may be filled. Seek the light and become the spark of creation.” — Oumelion Recital “Befriend the shadows so that you may stare into the sun. To see the unseen, allow yourself to disappear. The greatest ambitions need no audience.”…